Every business would agree to this fact that customers are the lifeline of any business. The successful brands knew how to create better engagement with customers. Luckily technology has made it easier for businesses and customers to come to one platform and interact with each other.

In this article, we will learn easy and effective strategies using which a business can create better engagement with its customers.

Conduct a Contest

Nearly every customer of your business would enjoy getting a freebie. One of the ways to use this behaviour to create engagement is to hold a contest. Conducting a photo tagging or voting contest is a good idea.

Let your customers and prospects have a vote on features. Not just it will help a business grab the attention of its customers but also reward them with free gifts for their involvement. In this way, it will create a win-win situation for both customers as well as business.

OvationMR is a global leader in delivering key insights and dependable results to market professionals and management consultants throughout industries. With more than ten years of experience, the company has developed more than 200 online panel sites and communities for the best-known brands and reputed market research firms in the world.

Make Emotional Connection with customers

Connect to your target audience on an emotional level. It will help you gauge their satisfaction levels, the challenges they face, and what improvements are needed to deal with them. Conjoint market research surveys prove to be beneficial to get valuable insights from your customers.

Develop a Community

Online discussion forums and community are two effective ways that help businesses directly engage customers by answering their queries. Industry-relevant exchanges of opinions also help your customers to stay updated and share information that they look for.

Due to the importance of online communities, social media websites have also created communities such as Facebook Groups, Google+ Communities, and LinkedIn Groups.

Use Technology To Accomplish Your Goal

If you want to succeed in the business, you can’t do it without technology. This is the fact in the present technological world. Social media is the top place where a business would find its target audience and customers. With this in mind, a business can use social media as a tool to create engagement with its customers. This is a great platform that a business can use to listens to its customers and stay on top of trends.

Involve Customers In Your Important Occasions

To make loyal customers, it is important to celebrate your important occasions such as anniversaries, product launches, etc. with them. Offer them discount coupons, and other rewards to share the happiness together.

Make them a part of your team. Also, you can acknowledge any good work of your customers on your social media accounts. This could be launching a new charity or their product line etc. Highlight one customer each month on your periodic bulletins.


There are several benefits of engaging with your customers. Better engagement helps in building customer loyalty that improves the reputation of a business brand. To reap these benefits, a business should start to implement the above low-cost and highly impactful strategies today.