Pool parties are a great way to beat the heat and have fun this summer. Here’s to making sure they are a success, whether hosting or attending.


Whether or not you plan to get in the water, you should wear clothing that is cool, comfortable, and can get wet. You never know if a runaway kid with a squirt gun, or an off balance barista might suddenly soak your clothes. So leave the heavy duds at home and go for something poolside friendly, like a beach dress with swimsuit underneath for ladies or swim trunks with a linen shirt for guys.

When it comes to accessories think water friendly as well. For women, ditch the heavy foundation and eye makeup and opt for a waterproof tinted SPF lotion, waterproof mascara, and aa single swipe of waterproof eye liner. Unless your watch is waterproof, don’t wear it, and keep belongings in a dry bag. Remember to bring your own towel, shoes that can air-dry, and an extra set of clean clothes.


If you are the hostess with the mostess, throwing a pool party can be a great way to gather friends and enjoy the season. Work with your spa company to take care of any swimming pool leak repair in Sacramento, CA, before the big day, and double check the water’s chemical levels and cleanliness.

A swimming pool leak in Sacramento, CA, is not the only thing to prepare for. Have a rain back-up plan in place. You could have a fallback weekend reserved or an indoor solution for the day of, in case the water decides to come from the heavens and not the pool. Keep a few extra towels on hand for guests that may have forgotten to bring them, and umbrellas, awnings, sails, and other shade making devices are a must.


One thing that should be kept in mind at both situations is safety. Wear a water resistant mineral SPF lotion and reapply as necessary. As a host you can offer this for guests as well so they do not get sunburned. Remind party goers to stay hydrated by offering refreshing drinks like water, fruit juices, and sports drinks. Avoid alcoholic beverages which can cause dehydration and other safety issues.

Fixing any swimming pool leak in Sacramento CA, and other sidewalk or tripping hazard will be important as well. Make sure at least one person at the party knows CPR, and if small children will be present ensure that the adults will be watching them diligently, and a secure self-locking fence around the pool may be called for. By practicing these tips you can have a great time by the water this year and enjoy the summer of 2020.