Nothing will be a worse scenario than having a pair of dangerously disheveled and worn-out entrance mats lying inside the entrance of a high-end electronics boutique. Not only it will do a great disservice to your patrons, but also it can harm your brand image.

Your brand image is certainly more than your logo that will identify your business, service, or product. Often most entrepreneurs or any small business owners never think so much about their image of the brand until they face a certain problem with their image that they are trying to develop.

You need to therefore select your WaterHog Legacy inlay logo floor mat with due care so that you can make proper justification for your investment done on making your custom logo mat.

You must therefore ensure that while selecting your mats, you should avoid the following:

  1. Mats inadequate to accommodate the traffic

If you are expecting very high traffic in your business premises then you must select the right quality of mat that can handle such large traffic. Poor quality may not only damage your mat but also your brand reputation too.

The right solution will be to select the right size of mat that displays your business logo very prominenetly so that it gets proper recognition.

2. Mats are insufficient under the local tropical climate

While choosing your mats you also need to consider the climatic condition of that area so that it can meet the environmental requirements of that location. The mats to be selected for any tropical location can be quite different from the mats chosen for any location where the climate is pretty dry.

3. The quality of the mat does not complement well with the brand image

If the company is quite famous and people also feel proud to be associated with the brand then the mat design too should reflect a similar image. It can do more harm than good if the mat in any and well-known office is found to be in a very unmaintained and shabby condition.

4. Brand image makes no impact on your mat

We all know that it is very important to make a great first impression on any new clients visiting the company premises, especially in business. Your consumers may create an impression about your brand and business on many different factors, e.g. the way all your employees are wearing their dresses, your website, also your business cards, etc.

So, your mat is also an important part of making an impact on your brand image.

5. Fails to creates recognition

If you are not putting sufficient effort into maintaining a certain consistent brand image all throughout the interaction with your consumers then soon you will find that it is very difficult to develop any easily recognizable one.

For any kind of business, irrespective of their size, or type brand image matters a lot. When any consumers buy any product or service, remember they are just not buying your product or service, but also buying your brand that they can feel proud of