Enterprise Resource Planning is software that automates business processes. It includes everything from supply chain management to customer relationship management to financial systems.

ERPs give organizations the ability to connect disparate data to form a cohesive enterprise network.

An ERP integration is often used to refer to this as a unified view or ERP integration. This is when all data is displayed in one place, in real time. This transforms data from raw data into actionable information and fully leverages it to enhance processes, meet customers’ needs and improve customer experiences.

This is frequently seen in integrated finance systems, where accounting was named by 89% of respondents in one survey as the most essential ERP function. The software automates common accounting tasks. This creates better, faster, and more efficient financial forecasting.

Why ERP Integration Is Important?

ERP software can provide a holistic view of enterprise applications in order to show real-time snapshots of performance and data quality. They make it possible to bring together legacy systems, which may or may not work with new apps, under one roof and from one source of information.

Centralized Data

Data can only be made useful if it’s used in action. Businesses can make this happen by gathering relevant data in one platform. Instead, businesses can use siloed data sources that exist in a vacuum but are hard to gain real insights.

An ERP solution combines data points to enable business intelligence to analyze these data and draw real insights.

Process Automation

Automation is becoming more common in every business sector, including ERPs. You automate data transfer to create systems that can operate 24 hours a year and avoid human errors.

Automating processes, such as purchasing orders and updating the availability of items automatically, improves workflows and makes companies more responsive.

Personalized Customer Experience

Personalized shopping has become standard. Customers expect this and 76 percent of CIOs aim to provide customers with personalized shopping experiences in real time.

This applies to all channels. Omnichannel customer interactions are the norm.

Reduction of Human Error

Humans are human, and even the most hardworking worker will make mistakes. ERP integrations fully leveraging automation eliminate the manual work involved and ensures data accuracy.

Reports are reliable and accurate. This allows workers to focus on more strategic work and has a positive impact on the business. You can automate things such as inventory management to ensure what you sell is actually in your warehouse.

ERP Integration: What are the challenges?

ERP system integration is complex. A properly-conceived project will have a high-quality integration solution and it will work as planned.

The integration process could go wrong if accounting is not done for different systems or architectures. Microsoft, NetSuite Salesforce, SAP, and Oracle are all common software systems that are used widely but don’t always work well together.

Easy Implementation without Going over Budget

ECommerce Erp integration is frequently cursed with “you can’t tell what you don’t have.” This is because bringing together multiple unconnected systems to create software integrations can have unexpected outcomes that lead to cost overruns. Even the most meticulously planned integrations won’t know how it works until they are switched for the first.

Too Complicated

The complexity of integrating both legacy and new systems, each with its own unique architecture, cannot be underestimated. Each application may have unique requirements which are not compatible with other software. Every ERP integration presents unique engineering challenges.